Friday, August 1, 2008

my sister dog thrusts penis knot

The next issue of Bust is finally filled. Hurray. Although I am still waiting for material from a few different people. Whether or not this happens will determine whether the next issue is long or short.

The following issue may have a hardboiled crime theme. I have not decided yet. I need to contact someone to ask if he'd be interested in helping us edit it. He seems to know lots of people in the crime genre. Without his assistance, I'm afraid that it might never get filled. That we might have to compromise by accepting mediocre stuff to accomplish this. I think the theme may be too specific. I think the crime fiction community would need to hear about the submissions call for it to happen. I would really like to make this happen.

I like hardboiled stuff a lot, but don't read very much of it. Raymond Chandler is one of my favorite writers. I like his books for the writing, not the plot. The plot is confusing. The writing is wonderful.

Reading Jordan Krall's novella collection, Squid Pulp Blues, inspired me to go with this theme. All of Jordan's novellas would be a perfect fit for this issue. They are absurd and surreal crime stories written in a hardboiled style. I loved this book. I don't think it's out yet. I got it at the World Horror Convention, where they were selling advanced copies. One of the novellas in this collection appears in The Bizarro Starter Kit (Blue), along with my novella, Cheesequake Smash-up. I hope that this crime-themed issue features a story by Jordan.

Jack O'Connell is another awesome writer of weird crime fiction. Read him. Maybe start with his novel, Box Nine?


. said...

the asian evander holyfield

dharmabeatdown said...

5 dollar me submit crime story long time

Garrett Cook said...

Sounds like a good idea. Bizarro crime can get pretty freaky.