Sunday, May 3, 2009

send me your stories

I just reopened submissions for Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens. It's going to be an online issue. Looking for stories and prose poems less than 2000 words. Guidelines here:

Not sure if it will be a PDF or an HTML issue. Leaning towards HTML. Blake Butler has offered to help out with that. I'm a lousy web designer.

We'll be releasing issues online rather than in print from now on until I either graduate from college in two years or find the money to pay for a print run.

Maybe I should start looking into an NEA grant or something? No idea.

The next issue will still be print though and it should be out sometime in the summer. I'm still looking for cover art. Otherwise, it's finished.


Pet & Gone said...

i actually have something that feels 'suitable.'

cha nig.

Ryan W. Bradley said...

for the cover art do you prefer to have a chicken incorporated?

Bradley Sands said...

It doesn't matter to me.


bout it bout it

Ryan W. Bradley said...

i have a couple pictures i've been working on that i will send your way soon.

Bradley Sands said...
